Empowering innovators for a brighter future.

Power to connect






パテントブローカー、PAE (Patent Assertion Entity)、利益目的の投資家、成功報酬弁護士などがチームを組んで展開する知財収益ビジネスの道具として知財を売却する形ではなく、知財を保有する企業・大学等自身が知財を必要とする事業会社に直接売買取引を行う活動を支援します。本活動の一部として、低コストで合理的な知財取引を支援する目的で、ウエブベースの知財取引システム「ipaEX」を提供しています。知財のライセンスや売却をお手伝いさせていただく際は、投資家、PAE (Patent Assertion Entities)、成功報酬弁護士、パテントブローカー等に分配される取引コストを合理的な規模とし、将来の技術開発に再投資しイノベーションに貢献する企業のプロフィットを最大化します。









  • 知財戦略を組み込んだ事業戦略・ビジネスモデルの立案

  • 技術・知財を梃子にした国内外の他社との協業およびM&Aのアレンジメント

  • 研究機・教育機関の研究成果の社会実装の担い手となる企業やスタートアップベンチャーとのマッチングや事業・知財戦略支援

  • 社会実装を担う企業が必要とする、複数の研究機関や企業が保有する知的財産を束にして実施許諾を行い、ご負担いただいた実施料を次世代の研究基金として組成し、研究成果をさらなる社会実装に繋げるイノベーションエコシステムの開発

  • 知財戦略梃子にした事業戦略の重要性に関する社員講習・セミナー

  • 組織内のIPストラテジスト人材の育成支援

Syndefense believes that intellectual property strategy is one of the most important key for success, and provides companies with the ability to create disruptive products, expand globally and maintain a competitive advantage.

By building on Syndefense’s relationships across industry, government, academia and research institutes, Syndefense helps organizations access technology and intellectual properties that drive innovation. We have 38 years of experience with intellectual property creation and license, business development and technology transfer, having worked with companies, academia and research institutes across the globe.

Syndefense supports organizations with intellectual property backed business strategies and business defense, as well as intellectual property based commercialization so intellectual property owners can realize a return on their R&D investments, and then reinvest toward future innovations. Syndefense’s power to connect enables intellectual property backed innovation ecosystem through its synergistic relationships with companies, research institutes and academia.

Syndefense’s intellectual property and business development strategists provide hands-on services to facilitates creation, license and acquisitions of hard to find technologies and intellectual property strategy backed new business development.


IP Acquisition Opportunity

Patent acquisition is a time saving and cost effective approach to strengthen your patent portfolio and is essential for protecting your business. IP acquisition is also a perfect opportunity for new product development. Syndefense can introduce leading-edge technologies backed with issued and pending patent portfolios.


Business Acquisition Opportunity

Acquisition of start-up businesses with state-of-the-art technology can provide a strategic opportunity to develop new multi-billion dollar products & services.

Acquisitions can provide buyers with technology that allows for the creation of cutting-edge products & services without years of research & development investments. Syndefense can introduce you to prospective businesses with solid IP portfolios.


Consulting Service

Syndefense provides advisory and consulting services for all your intellectual property activities. We can help build strategies to leverage IP for entering new markets, building new businesses, or evaluating business alliances, mergers and acquisitions. Syndefense offers advisory and consulting services for both owners and buyers of IP assets as well as licensors and licensees of IP rights through rational and strategic transactions.



Buy and sell patents through the LOT Patent Marketplace – LOTNET Members Only -

Review Available Patent Assets

Only LOTNET members can access available acquisition opportunities through Electronic Data Room under NDA. Download NDA and submit PDF copy of your signed NDA to hisao@lotnet.com


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59 Sagakankuji Myozui-cho, Ukyo-ku, Kyoto 616-8443 JAPAN